You could say that Chimera’s an apparel brand. You could. But that would be limited and one-dimensional. A waste really. So allow us to clarify…

We’re fascinated with art, design, film, music, literature… anything and everything that makes our skin tingle with curiosity and excitement. We’re into the kind of buzz that gives us a sense that we’re onto something really off-center and odd. Something unconventional and bizarre yet strangely familiar. Making sense so far? Try to keep up because we’re about to Marlboro voice next.

You’ll hear us say “wait…what!?” a lot. A LOT. The reason behind this is that Chimera’s focus is fixed firmly on the complexity of modern life as we experience it through visual and street culture. In short? The ups and the downs of life. Yeah, this could be pretty grim but it’s not always a pretty picture, and that’s exactly what we’re about. That’s where our curiosity is sparked. And we’re all in.

We want the freedom to explore the hidden spaces and stories we find all around us. No more and no less. Through our take on independent design, we look beyond the usual issues that surround subcultures; Chimera explores and unpacks them as being far more than merely a trend. And let’s get one thing straight though: we don’t do trends. We simply try to see beyond the stigma and the taboo that’s kept alive by the world we live in by creating our own definition of independence through our style. We pay close attention to detail and we value original design and art – and the people that create it. 

Defined and guided by our attitude, we’re a platform dedicated to urban and underground initiatives, and our contribution is to create art in the form of design, apparel, and content. We design for people that are truly open-minded and prejudice-free. People who want to do life according to their own rules and conditions. 

So, in substance, we’re a no-strings-attached collaboration of creativity and expression fueled by our passion. We’re for the mixing of cultures, stories, identities, and art. And we’re for disruption and revolution: where style, subculture and subversion fuse into a sticky and beautifully compound mess. The bitter and the sweet, the obvious and the elusive. All. Of. It.